NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail
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Now Over 10 Years Old, Best Road in NY State! NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail NYRoute3.com: OlympicTrail.com Olympic Trail Scenic Byway Sign

NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail: Gifts, Furniture and Antiques Shops

There are tons of antique and gift shops in this Adirondack mountain and resort area. Many feature local crafts like Adirondack furniture and chairs as well as the chain saw bears and nick-nacks to fill your shelves. Many feature the goods of local artisans and artists of quality and merit. There is always a few places in each ville where a guy can get his loved one some cute little fun gift that he would have no use for himself. The Adirondack chair is the quintessential defining piece of furniture that most people know of the word 'Adirondack' from, and many people up here make them custom from native woods.

Participating Establishments Participating Establishments
Area Code: 518 Before Tupper Lake Area Code: 315 After Tupper Lake