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Facts, Statistics, & Resources Dedicated to DUI Education

Despite the fact that the number of teens drinking and driving has decreased in recent years, there is still a lot of work to be done when it comes to DUI education and prevention. Teen drivers are considered a high risk group when it comes to DUIs, distracted driving, and vehicular deaths. According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 out of every 10 high school students drinks and then gets behind the wheel of a vehicle. To try and keep the number of teen DUIs decreasing, there are various solutions and methods that educators, parents, and other teens can consider when spreading the word and encouraging healthy decision-making.

Teens Against Drunk Driving: Avoiding Issues With DUI Law and the Need for a Lawyer With Prevention

T.A.D.D. works to prevent teens from getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol as well as distracted driving. Multiple resources are available on the site for parents and teens.

DUI Lawyer Takes a Break from the Law to Enjoy Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band

The Magic Tour made its way through North America as well as Europe back in 2007. Underneath the tour dates, concert attendees offer lyrics to some of the best songs of the night along with their own audio clips.

Avoid Needing a DUI Lawyer by Adhering to the Law with Crime Prevention and Safety Tips

No one wants to be part of a crime and this site, courtesy of the University of Wisconsin Superior, offers tips for preventing crimes. It also includes important information like crime statistics as well as emergency information.

We Save Lives: Information on DUI Law, the Need for a Lawyer and Distracted Driving

In addition to focusing on drunk driving, We Save Lives also seeks to educate drivers about the risks involved with distracted driving, including texting while operating a vehicle.

Risk Factors for Young Drivers Often Accused of Breaking DUI Law and Needing a Lawyer

While the number of people accused of DUI is varied, there is a specific group that tends to be more likely to have a severe accident while driving. These risk factors, when combined with alcohol, lead to disaster.

Fire Prevention: Avoiding Law Breaking Activity Requiring a Lawyer, Including a DUI

Lots of activities are associated with at risk behavior like drunk driving. This site offers links to all kinds of training for fire departments dealing with a fire that is the result of a person driving under the influence.

Teen Driving Crash and Fatality Statistics, Including DUI Law and Lawyer Information

Many teens believe they are unjustly stereotyped as bad or irresponsible drivers. This site provides clear statistics on why teens are often considered high risk drivers and what teens can do to avoid becoming one of the negative statistics.

Preventing a Person from Breaking DUI Laws and Needing a Lawyer

Mental health sometimes plays a part in DUIs. The Township of Livingston offers several resources for those looking to deal with addictions, including alcohol and drugs.

State University of New York's Alcohol Problems and Solutions Including Breaking a DUI Law and Lawyer Assistance

The goal is always to prevent a person from getting behind a wheel while intoxicated. This resource offers help establishing that a person has a problem and offers several solutions for an individual that has already been accused or prosecuted for a DUI.

Activities for Children with Parents in the Midst of a DUI Law Infraction or Waiting for a Lawyer

Metropolitan Pediatrics LLC offers several fun links for children to enjoy. The list, compiled from several different sources includes things like games, school projects, and more.

Center for Disease Control: Statistics for Teen DUI, Law Infractions, and the Need for a Lawyer

The CDC's Vital Signs offers an in-depth look into teen drunk driving statistics and the research currently being done. Links are available for state-specific information as well as the science behind drunk driving.

Travel Safety Tips to Avoid Breaking the Law and Needing a DUI Lawyer

CISE 93.1 as well as 95.3 FM offer various safety tips for individuals traveling. In addition to driving advice, the site also focuses on teen driving and some at risk behavior.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Preventing Underage Drinking, Information on DUI Law and Lawyer Assistance

The goal of this article is to explain some of the strategies to prevent underage drinking and in turn, teen DUI situations. Backed up with statistics and facts, the prevention methods are described in detail and include helpful information for schools as well as parents.

Local Law Resources

Allred, Maroko, & Goldberg

Specializing in various cases involving Civil Rights infringement, the firm works to try and find justice for those that have been overlooked or mistreated.

DUI Resources and Education

Educational resources for the defense of DUI and criminal cases.

Blecher, Collins, Pepperman, & Joye

This firm's work centers on antitrust law that protects consumers from unsightly business practices. With experience involving the California Supreme Court, the firm is a nationally known group.

Weinstock & Manion

Using over 50 years of experience, this firm works to help individuals with estate planning. Their goal is to work with clients to help create the ideal plan that includes various tax advantages.